The First Trimester with Baby Goode

Quigs here!

Recently, Alex and I revealed a really big secret - WE’RE PREGNANT! The outpouring of love and support we received was absolutely amazing and gave us the warm-and-fuzzies! To have a little human growing inside of you is a feeling unmatched by any other. Since I just entered my second trimester, I wanted to share a few things that helped me get through the morning sickness and turbulence of the first trimester. Because mama - you are strong, you will get through this!!!

1. Morning Sickness and Appetite

Let me tell you: morning sickness is REAL but totally survivable. Even when I felt like not eating, I needed to or the nausea would be worse. The same thing went for physical movement. So eat and move your body often - trust me! Here were some of my favorite snacks that my hand constantly reached for:

  1. Ritz crackers - my go-to snack that kept my belly full and the nausea at bay. I had a sleeve next to my bed and ate two every time I got up to pee.

  2. Peppermint tea

  3. Wintergreen mints

  4. Lemon drops

  5. String cheese

  6. Life cereal

  7. Water - I got this water bottle to help me keep track of my intake. I try and go through 1.5 a day!

2. Smell Sensitivity

Smells really bothered me and still do. The slightest unpleasant smell is enough to make me gag. I try to mask any odor with Vick’s tissues, but if you need something stronger you can add peppermint essential oil onto your tissue. It helps SO much! Hold the tissue to your nose but not on it because you’re not supposed to apply it directly to skin.

3. Allergies

If I can give you just one piece of advice, it would be this: Get a humidifier for the side of your bed! It helps with post nasal drip that makes you dry cough at night. I also take Allegra when needed to help combat my perpetual running nose and coughing spells. Hehe YAY!

4. Energy levels

The first trimester is a whirlwind of emotion and energy levels! Some days, I felt like I could conquer the world. Others, I could take two 4-hour naps and still feel tired. So many changes and hormones are coursing through your body, so remember to take the time you need to rest! Fresh air and sunshine are great to reenergize. If that doesn’t do the trick, try taking a short walk around your block!

5. Body Butter

Over 50 percent of women experience stretch marks during pregnancy. Our bodies are able to house and protect another life, so even though they can be scary, view them as a badge of honor! I wanted to give my skin the nourishment and nutrients it needed, so I was so excited to find this recipe for a stretch mark body butter from Momtastic. Not only does it smell divine, but it’s super easy to make! I put it on every night and throughout the day to make sure my skin stays moisturized!

Have any other questions about pregnancy life? What helped you in your first trimester? Let me know in the comments below!


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